The past week and a half was a very busy one. Zoe was baptized a week ago yesterday. With her baptism came many guests. We love guests! Our first guest was Katie Lane. Katie is one of my best friends from college. She was chosen to be one of Zoe's godparents. Marcus and Vanessa Lane are also her godparents. Katie arrived in the Valley on Thursday, May 22nd. It was all we could do to keep from screaming at security at the airport. Yes, people did stare. Sometimes you have to be the people who the other people watch. It was a wonderful evening. On Friday, we all decided to show Katie and Zoe, South Padre Island for the first time. Nate introduced both Katie and I to the famous Taco Laredo Company breakfast tacos. These are sold in gas stations. I know this sounds strange, but everyone lives by them down here. Katie was very excited that she was able to use her Spanish while ordering. Omaha, surprisingly, isn't as bilingual as the Valley. This was Zoe's first trip to any beach. She thought it was hot. I could tell because I was carrying her and she was sweating on me. Nate, Katie and I all received a little love from the sun in the form of sunburn, northerner hazard (any US citizen north of here is considered a northerner.) We took Katie to the Whataburger for the first time while we were on the island. Whataburger is in fact one of the most redeeming qualities of Texas. Believe me on this one. We then headed back to McAllen to give Katie a tour of St. Paul. My parents arrived in town around that time and met us at church. Nate's parents arrived on Saturday.
Here is a picture of Katie, Zoe and I on the beach.
She clearly liked her first trip to the beach.
Katie and I spent most of the day teaching Zoe how to be silly. That is what we do best. We needed to pass on this gift to her.
Sunday was the big day! We were so blessed to share Zoe's special day with our parents and Katie. She was baptized at the 8 am service by her daddy. The selection of hymns was great (there are perks to being the pastor's wife). We then had a baptism party/ family fun night that evening. It was a great day.
Katie and Zoe. I love them.
Two of my favorite people.
Her great Aunt Jennifer Zalaski made the bow and the dress I found on eBay.
Daddy baptizing Zoe like a pro!
With Grandma and Grandpa Wollenberg
With Grandma and Grandpa Cox
Nate's mom embroidered and made this cute little after party onesie for her.
I love her.
Hamming it up with Aunt Katie.
Aunt Katie is teaching her Spanish.
Gina and Zobug
We're one of those families that takes pictures of cakes before we cut them.
With Miss Becker
With Mrs. Oerther
There was sand volleyball!
Katie headed back to Omaha on Monday morning. We were sad to see her leave, but so happy she was able to come down. We can't wait to see her again at her wedding in November!
Nate's parents were the next to leave on Monday afternoon and my parents were able to stay until Thursday. It was so nice to have everyone here. Zoe hadn't met her Grandpas. It was a very nice visit for all! Here are some pics of Zoe and her grandparents.
With Grandpa Wollenberg
With Grams
Grandpa Cox is making sure she gets her veggies.
My daddy and my girl.
With Grandma Cox
Sleepy. I love these two.
I just like this picture. They are mine.
Love them!
Oops! How did these adorable pictures get in here?
If you were wondering, yes, I was blessed with the cutest child ever. I can't believe she is mine. She is getting dangerously close to laughing. Katie Lane did her best to try to get a laugh out of her before she left, but was unsuccessful. She is turning 3 months on Sunday. Where does the time go?
That's all for now. God is good.
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