We moved into an apartment about a mile from the seminary campus. It is a small apartment but it's not bad for two of us. The hard part about this move was the fact that we were moving from a three bedroom house to a one bedroom apartment that consists of 4 rooms. My clothes aren't getting the freedom of being spread out among 3 rooms. This is a good time to go through some, huh? The nice thing about moving into a small apartment is the fact that there isn't as much to clean. I am very happy about this.
Moving back to St. Louis also means being close to my parents again which is nice. Nate is busy working with my dad on his summer Greek since he has started Seminary classes. My sister Victoria is home most of the time for her summer break and my mom was a big help in our move.
Two days after we moved to St. Louis we left for a road trip to Minnesota and South Dakota. Our first stop was in Waconia, Minnesota to see the Lane family. Katie Lane is a good friend of mine from Concordia. Katie is a missionary in Peru and was home visiting the states in June. We are also friends with her brother, Marcus, and soon to be sister-in-law, Vanessa who were also visiting home that weekend. We had a great time catching up and seeing the sites of Waconia.
Our next stop was Lakefield, MN to see my friend Amanda. Amanda was one of my roommates my senior year at CUW. She showed us her small hometown where she grew up and her family farm which is really big. They farm corn and soy beans. We had a great time catching up and hanging out with her too!
Our last stop was the wedding of Chad and Jenna (Newman) Elfe. They are friends of Nate and mine from CUW and they are also at the seminary. They were married in Sioux Falls, SD in a very nice outdoor setting, under a tree by a river. There were even two people in a canoe who passed by on the river during the wedding. I did get a little sunburn but it was well worth it. We were able to see many of our friends from CUW at this wedding. Including our friends Andrew and Shayla Gerike. We are all pictured below. It was a very great trip overall and on Sunday we headed back to St. Louis to continue unpacking.

For the next 10 days Nate and I will be visiting his family in Connecticut. I'll fill everyone in our adventures there when we get back.
Well, that's all for now. God is good!