We were both quite happy about the outcome of the Super Bowl. While living in Wisconsin Nate and I both became Packer fans. You have no choice when you live there. There is no way to take a nap during the game because everyone is yelling and Packer fever really is a disease. It's hard not to catch. The Packers also remind us of a place we love. So congrats to the Pack!
Speaking of the Super Bowl, I love Super Bowl food. Characteristic of most food that I love, Super Bowl food isn't good for you. I consider the Superbowl to be a food holiday. Hot wings, stuffed jalapenos and chili are some of the delicious items that we had on Sunday. We were supposed to head up to St. Louis for a party but the weather canceled the party. At that party there were to be chili and pie contests. I had already bought all of the ingredients to make Nate's favorite pie, banana cream. I decided since I had the stuff I would go ahead and make it. According to Nate, my first try at banana cream pie was successful. Here is the recipe if you are looking for a good one. It is pretty easy.
Here is a link to the website where I got the recipe: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1937,134184-243194,00.html
Yesterday, I was privileged to substitute in kindergarten at Trinity. I had never taught students that little before so I knew it would be an adventure. They are very cute kids. I love that they have nap time. However, it was very hard to stay awake during their nap time. I was about to pass out myself. One of the cute things that they said was during Jesus time. I was telling them about what Jesus told us was the best commandment and they tried to guess what that was. One of their answers was, "Is it listening to your teacher?" Haha. It was priceless. It was a very good day. I love subbing at Trinity.
That's all for now! God is good!