Blurry Christmas Cards


A few weeks ago, I picked up my Christmas cards. They were printed blurry. I don't know if it was my error or the error of the printing company. Normally, something like this would bother me to my core. I love sending out Christmas cards. I love perfecting the card and sending it out to all of our loves ones so that they see my sweet babies and get our Christmas greeting. However, this year has been full of events that have put things in perspective and simply left me too tired to go through the hassle. We've had my appendix surgery, Max's spinal surgery, Nate's kidney stones and the total loss of a vehicle due to an accident with a deer. And I think we honestly came out okay compared to many people I know. There were people who had a far worse year than we did. The Christmas cards being blurry is low on the list of worries. People will know who we are and they'll still think the kids are cute. 

Last week, another mom in a Facebook group that I am a part of asked what we are letting ourselves not worry about this Christmas. Some said not decorating or not having a big meal for Christmas. Mine was letting myself not care about the blurry Christmas cards. We all need to cut ourselves some slack this holiday season. Allow yourself to order Chinese on Christmas or Christmas Eve. Send out electronic Christmas cards or none at all. Give cash instead of scouring the stores for the perfect gift. Money is always a welcome gift. It's okay if everything isn't perfect. GUYS, we're living through a pandemic! That's enough to worry about it in and of itself. If one or two of your gifts arrive late to a loved one, it's all good because they're alive and safe. What's important is that we are here and that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.


Merry Christmas!

That's all for now! God is good! Enjoy our blurry 2020 Christmas card.

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