The Women Go to Mobile

If you are part of the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod church body you most likely know what the LWML is. LWML stands for Lutheran Women's Missionary League. LWML has been around since 1942 and has raised over $100 million for missions around the world. When Nate was at seminary, I worked as the receptionist at the LWML national office in St. Louis. Since then, I've had a soft spot for the LWML.

When we moved to Hoyleton, the LWML/Ladies' Aid wanted to throw me a baby shower. Since I knew they were planning on doing this, I thought it would be nice to attend their meetings. Turns out, they have a social time with desserts at the end of every meeting. I'm there. I love hanging out with our mature in age women and I love food. They had me hooked.

Fast forward to last year sometime, my buddy Norma mentioned to me that the LWML convention would be in Mobile, AL. As a Midwesterner, I love the Gulf Coast. After all, that's where all the St. Louisans go on vacation. I told Norma we should go on a road trip! A little while later, Norma mentioned to me that our district would send me as a Young Women Representative. So this road trip became a real thing. We also enlisted our buddy Gerri to go along with us. I told them that since the both of them had surgery this year and I am pregnant, we were all prone to blood clots and would need to take some walking breaks. Needless to say, we had a hilarious time in the car.

Now, I love a good church convention because it always turns into a reunion. Because many of my friends are church workers, they are all over the country and I don't get to see them a lot. I got to spend time and catch up with some great friends when I was in Mobile. I also was able to make new friends.

Terry Keischnick and I. I love Terry so much. We got to know each other when I lived in Texas. She is a phenomenal woman and such a great support to pastor's wives.

My friends Lauren and Brianne. I worked with Lauren at Camp Wartburg in Southern Illinois and then I worked with Brianne at Camp Lakeview in Southern Indiana. Brianne and Lauren went to college together. You're only one LCMS Lutheran away from knowing them all.

These two young ladies were Young Women's Representatives with me. One is currently attending Concordia University Wisconsin and the other just graduated. We had to get a CUW ladies picture together. They made me feel old because I am at least 10 years older than they are.

Another picture of Lauren and I. 

I also was able to again see and better understand how the LWML serves the world. Most people know that the LWML's color is purple, is made up of older women and they make sure the church gets fed. The LWML is so much more. Every 2 years they have a convention to get some business done, but to most importantly, decide what mission projects they will be supporting for the next two years. These mission projects are foreign and domestic. Some of the projects selected were: a clean water project for rural schools in Kenya, a program for teaching preschoolers with special needs, outreach for at-risk women in Africa, a program that is restoring homes and living conditions for families in Detroit and the list goes on. The projects added up to a total of $2.1 Million. Then women all over the country collect funds to support these mission projects. The LWML has supported missions in 74 countries. My eyes were opened about how much our offerings from our meeting of 15-20 women in little Hoyleton, IL can support people all over the world. These women of our church body raise so much funding for so many people in need. It's incredible. Even though I worked in the national office for a year, it never really hit me how much the LWML does. This convention was very eye opening.

I am so very glad I went. I did get a break from the kids but I was very busy while I was there. I am very thankful to Nate and his parents holding down the fort while I was gone. I had a great time!

I think this guy was happy to have his mama home. He sat next to me all morning on Monday. Mama missed him too. I missed my bug but she went off to VBS on Monday so we had our snuggles the night I got home.

I introduced Norma and Gerri to Whataburger on the drive back. They, of course, loved it. I was over the moon because I LOVE Whataburger. 

That's all for now. God is good.

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