The close of the school year has been a very busy time for us, mostly for Nate. We have been in the call process for a new DCE at St. Paul and he also has VBS coming up soon. Because of his crazy schedule, he took his day off on Monday the past couple of weeks. We decided to do something with Zoe that we hadn't done before; we took her to play on the beach. I had avoided taking her to the beach for a few reasons. The biggest reason was that with her condition we have to avoid bacteria getting in her diaper and need to keep her dry as much as possible, plus her prophylactic antibiotic makes her more susceptible to a get a sunburn. The other reasons were not as dire, such as: Zoe eating sand, lugging a million things on the beach, having to change her clothes/diaper and such at the beach. Those are normal parenting beach woes that I didn't want to handle on top of her condition. Since we got a good report at the last urologist appointment and she is listening to directions a little bit better these days, I felt comfortable to try it out. I also was okay with only spending a couple of hours on the beach as a trial run.
It went great! She had a great time playing in the sand and splashing around in the water! Confession: Mommy had a few tense moments. I thought she might have a sunburn at one point, so that was concerning. We also had trouble keeping our EZ-Up Tent in the ground. I tried to fix it on my own and the entire thing flipped over. Nate turned around and was very confused as to what happened. Next time I won't try to fix it on my own. Haha. All in all, it was a good day. We stopped for lunch at Whataburger on the way home. Yum. Although there was a school field trip in the Whataburger, it was still the perfect end to a great morning at the beach!
Trying out the water...
Hold my hand, Daddy!
Oh this girl!
This is how you do it, Daddy. She's so particular.
That's All for now! God is good!
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