Now, in true mom of a toddler and my husband was out of town all week mode, I had Zoe's costume ordered months ago and started and finished Nate's and mine today. Now, to be fair, most of Nate's and my costumes were things that we already owned. I needed to however find a Minnie Mouse Skirt. I did the thing that we all do when we all do in an emergency, I went to the internet. I searched Pinterest tirelessly. I read tutorials but everything seemed too hard or too short. I was going to wear leggings but the skirt still needed to cover my behind. So, I turned to "Everything for Dummies" also known as YouTube. This is where I found the perfect tutorial. You can find it here. I decided to sew it instead of glue it, like the girl did in the video. I do better when I don't have to wait for things to dry. I also needed to wear it about two hours later. I dusted off my sewing machine and it turned out great. Don't get too excited, it was two straight lines of stitching. I do feel pretty good that I made a skirt in less than 20 minutes.
This picture was taken at the end of the night so we were pretty tired. It is really only like 7:30 but we were feeling it.
Zoe and I walked around outside and inside for a while before and as the night began. Zoe was exploring and getting excited about all of the games. She climbed all the way down the green on the "Hole in One" game and insisted that we keep spinning this wheel game. She was also sitting down every time I tried to hold her hand as she walked. I was bent over so much trying to get her to stand up that I am walking like an old man now. I decided it was time to go outside and see if some of our friends were there.
Luckily our friends, Alan, Gina and Lety, were outside with their truck set up for the Trunk or Treat. Zoe had a great time handing out candy to all of the kids. She was VERY enthusiastic about saying, "Here you go". You can watch a video of her handing out some candy below. It was a good job for her for a while. Then, she needed a change and I think Tia G did too. I got the stroller and she rode around the rest of the night without much complaining, which was great because she usually hates being in the stroller.
Here are some of the pics:
Just take my candy...
The life of the party...
Nate was busy all night. He was in the dunk tank for the first part and then supervising the pumpkin carving/decorating. That's why we don't have any pictures of him. We tried to take one as a family and it didn't turn out well. The sun blinded us. Anyway, as you could have guessed, he was Mickey Mouse.
It was a great night. It was nice to see so many people at St. Paul. It was nice to see a safe and fun environment for all of the kids to come and have fun in their costumes. Zoe had a blast and it was fun to see her having a good time with other kids. Next year she will have more of an opinion on what to wear and about playing games. I can't wait to see her in another costume. She is our cutie.
Time for comparison pictures!
Time for comparison pictures!
How did she get so grown up?
Zoe compared to her on the left and Zo on the right.
Here are just more pics from the night.
Minnie by herself.
She was having a hard time looking at the camera because of all of the people around.
Checking out Angel dressed as a hot dog.
Zozo and Tia G!
Hamming it up with Cynthia!
Time to go home.
That's all for now. God is good!
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