When you move to Hoyleton, IL, you almost immediately find out about the biggest Hoyleton event of the year, Hofbraufest. The festival was held back at the beginning of July. Hofbraufest is a our town festival and it is all you could hope for and more. The first night we were there, I was walking around and saw the families, carnival ride, food, events and thought, "All we need now is someone kissing in the rain and this is a Nicholas Sparks movie". Seriously, all Nicholas Sparks books turned to movies are in a small town and involve a town festival, they also involve people kissing in the rain. If you are skeptical about this, see the movies: The Notebook and Safe Haven to confirm my theory. These are both great movies and you should watch them even if you believe me. Anyway, Hofbraufest was filled with awesome. Friday night's biggest draw was the new addition of a sand volleyball tournament. I'll take you through the Hofbraufest with the help of some pictures. However, it is not as good as being there in person and you should really put it on your calendar and come next year.

Zach is ready for the Hofbraufest!
Zoe riding rides with JoJo and Teddy!
Nate and I shared a funnel cake after my mom took the kids home on Friday night. Isn't that what everyone does when they have a night without kids?
There is a 5K run/walk every year. This year we walked the 5K. Nate put in some effort. I was going for a morning stroll.
Look at Nate putting in effort. His wife is not as ambitious.
My morning stroll turned into Mary Beth and I coming in dead last. That's okay with us. We got some exercise and cheered on the runners that passed us on their way to the finish line.
Quilt Auction!
Because this was the 50th Anniversary of the Hofbraufest, there was a parade. This parade was awesome. Here are the chairs set up in front of our house!
Zach's ready for the parade!
Will, Liam and Wesly came to Hoyleton for the parade.
People sitting in front of the church waiting for the parade to start.
The parsonage crowd is ready.
Fire Trucks start off the parade.
Craig handing out candy!
This year they had a Prince and Princess Contest. Zoe participated this year. She got to ride on a float in the parade! It was so cute!
The cuteness! All the cuteness!
Wesly and Zach picking up some candy.
Here comes the Trinity Float.
So, Trinity members know how to build a float. We don't play games.
As the float passed the church, they rang the church bell. That got me right in the feels. That's my church!

This right here is a treasure of Hoyleton. This is Rollan Schnitker's van. Rollan's van is one of my favorite things about Hoyleton. This van has more character than every Disney movie combined. When this van finally dies, I think it should be bronzed and made into a monument in the park. You can't see all the character in this picture, but the giant American flags do make up for that a little bit. So Rollan added the red part for the parade. I saw the van before he was finished and all it said was "The end of all things is near." I was worried that Rollan was becoming a doomsday preparer. turns out that when the van was done it said, "The end of all things is near. 1 Peter 4:7 This 1981 Deluxe Van and its 1935 model driver and the parade!" This is all you need to know about how awesome Rollan Schnitker is, well that and his wife Gerri is also fantastic. She is hilarious and makes the best roast beef and mashed potatoes I've had in my life.

The Hofbraufest wouldn't be complete without some German attire. This is a picture of Hoyletonians Jan Kasten Boldt and her dad, Wilfred "Wiffy" Kasten. First of all, Jan is the coolest dressed lady I've seen. Much better dressed than myself. She also rocks the lederhosen. Second, Wiffy is quite possibly one of the best names I have ever heard. Too bad Wiffy Wollenberg doesn't really work for a potenial baby name.
This is Wiffy and his sister, Laura Haake. Wif is 95 and Laura is 102. They grow them healthy here in Southern Illinois.
Wif also has his own Hofbraufest golf cart. This right here is what dreams are made of. This is what I hope for in my future.
This is Deb. She is fantastic. She also rocks the German attire but also did so much for the Hofbraufest with two bum knees. In this photo, she is leading a German Sing-A-Long. Yeah, you read that right.

On Saturday of the fest, I was walked home alone. That night I worked my shift in the Community Building, talked to a few people and then decided since I didn't have children with me to get some ice cream. As I walked home, I looked up in the sky, I admired the beautiful night sky full of stars. I listened to the loud music echoing throughout our little town. I was so happy and content as I walked. Then, I turned the corner and this was my view. This picture does not do justice for what I saw that night. I had been thinking about how wonderful it was to eat my ice cream and walk home on a beautiful night and then I see this. My church. Our church. This reminded me to be so thankful for my life here in Hoyleton. It was the perfect end to a long day. It couldn't have been more picturesque.
Mark your calendar right now, the second week of July is Hofbraufest weekend. Make this a priority. You need to be there. There is plenty of food (really good food), beer and fun.
That's all for now. God is good.