Max is 3 Months!

Our sweet Max bee is 3 months old already! Mommy is a little behind on this post. He was three months on December 24th. He is getting so big! He is so smiley these days that it's hard not to be constantly taking pictures of him. One of the sweetest things he does right now is when he's tired and I am around he will get fussy. If I take him from whoever is holding him like grandma or Nate, he will almost always quickly fall asleep. Once he has his Mama these days, he gets comfy and takes a nap. It's super sweet. Mama loves it. We get a lot of snuggle time.

Max likes:
  • Bath time
  • Eating
  • Wiggling on the floor
  • His sister making noises at him
  • Having socks on
  • Being held
  • Falling asleep on Mommy
  • His car seat buddy toy
  • Music
  • The swing
  • When his brother and sister lay on the floor with him.
Max doesn't like:
  • Being cold
  • Being hungry
  • Having the boogers sucked out of his nose
  • Loud noises
  • Getting shots
  • Having a urodynamics test done

A snuggler, just like his brother and sister.

I can't get enough of his sweet smiles.

Mom. Why? Why this hat?

Eeeeee. Happy baby!

He warmed up to the hat.

Squishy during our shopping trip.

Just relaxin with his cardinals blanket.

Hanging out with sissy.

So smiley.

That's all for now. God is good.

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