An Update on Zoe's Condition - Spoiler - It's good news!

Many of you know that Zoe has a bladder condition called Vesicoureteral reflux. Vesico-ur-whaaattt? Basically her ureters from her bladder to her kidneys are kinked and that makes urine travel back up into her kidneys, collect bacteria, and cause UTIs. Zoe was diagnosed with this at about 3 months old. You can read about all that here.

Well, about a month and a half ago we took Zoe to her urologist in San Antonio and they did a test to see what the status of her condition was. She underwent two tests and performed like a rock star! We received good news right away from the radiologist that Zoe's condition had almost completely resolved itself on one side and the other side had decreased from a 5 (the worst) to about a 3.5 or 4. This is superb news. When she was diagnosed there was only a 10% chance she would grow out of it. She is now up to about a 60% chance. Now, if she has another UTI at all she will have to have surgery. The good news is that the surgery would be a less complicated procedure. That being said, we are still praying for her to grow out of this. We appreciate all of your prayers as she continues to grow, that she may completely grow out of her condition and stay infection free.

On our way back home, our tire blew. Thankfully, Nate was driving and calmly got us to the side of the road. It was pretty scary.

And just because...

That's all for now. God is good.