Many of you saw on Facebook that I visited the Live with Kelly and Michael Show. It's true, I was privileged enough to be able to be in the studio audience on Tuesday, February 2. You may say, "How could this be? How do you get tickets? Those tickets must cost thousands of dollars because this show is simply fantastic. You live in Texas, that was quite the trip!" I am happy to answer the questions that I made up on your behalf and magically, I know all of the answers for said questions.
Nate's family lives in Connecticut. They invited us to come out to visit before she turns two (her last free flight) and get some family time in. One of the coolest things about having relatives in Connecticut is that New York City is within a two hour reach by car or train.
Now, I watch Live with Kelly and Michael quite often. When Zoe was in the first 6 or so months of her life, we hardly missed an episode. Now she watches Mickey Mouse at the beginning of the day and sometimes I don't catch Live. However, the a week or so ago I was watching Live and she looked up and exclaimed, "Kelly!". She's obviously a fan of the show.
A couple of weeks before we were set to go out east, I decided to just see if there were tickets available for the show. The tickets are available online and they are free. I was very surprised to see that there were tickets available. It was late at night, so I didn't talk to Nate's mom, I just went ahead and got them. Nate's mom was actually already thinking about gong and had a plan for us to go.
Nate's mom, his Aunt Jenn and cousin, Jonathan and I were the ones to travel down for the big day. John Travolta and Kermit the Frog were to be the celebrity guests on the show! One of Nate's dad's drivers was kind enough to drive us into the city and had a connection at the show! His son-in-law works at the show and got us on a VIP list. We didn't get backstage passes or anything but we got in to the show no problem and were able to enter the studio and had the choice of anywhere but the very first row to sit. It was so awesome!
Waiting to go in!
The studio is smaller than it looks on TV as you could probably guess. I felt so close to Kelly and Michael. Before the show started, a woman explained some things and then Gelman came out and explained how we would applaud. He also held a contest for the trivia dancer. If you were wondering how it works, here you go. He asks who would like to be a trivia dancer, they shout and raised their hands, he had four come to the floor. Those four danced and were judged on audience applause. I didn't volunteer because if Kelly and Michael would have directly asked me a question or talked to me, I probably would have just stood there paralyzed by the fact that I was directly addressed by them.
Right there!!!
I was incredibly starstruck. We sat on the side where the celebrity guests come out and high-five the audience members. I TOUCHED JOHN TRAVOLTA'S HAND! So cool. Sadly, Kermit's segment was pre-recorded. I may have been more excited to see Kermit. I mean let's be real. I was also simply starstruck because Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan were right there!! I watch them all the time and they are right there! They came a lot closer during the commercial breaks to interact with the audience. They took selfies and signed memorabilia for people. It was VERY cool. They were both very nice and very high energy.
Kelly and Gelman reenacting JCPenny's ads from their earlier days.
Yep, that's John Travolta
After the show, they had to shoot some promos. This was fun to watch because they really don't like shooting the promos (not that I blame them) and they were goofing around a lot. After those were finished, Kelly headed out and Michael told everyone that if they didn't get their footballs, jerseys or books signed, he would make sure they got signed even though he had to go take a call.
Still on a high from going to the show!
When we were done at the show, we went to Ellen's Stardust Diner for lunch, Times Sqaure and the 9/11 Memorial. It was a great day. It was so cool to go to the show! I'm not going to lie though, I was very glad to see my little Zozo at the end of the day.
I will be posting soon about Zoe's first snow experience!
That's all for now. God is good.
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