It's June already!

Hi Everyone! Where to begin?? So much has been happening with Nate and me. Nate confirmed his first confirmation class in April. There were eight confirmands. Confirmation gave me the excuse to give gifts and I love to give gifts. This is partially because I love to see people's faces when they open them and because when I can make the gifts it gives me a reason to be crafty. For the confirmands, I made frames that state their names and the date of their confirmation. I think they turned out pretty cool. I also have been channeling my inner craftiness to make gifts for our Youth Director and his wife, who is also our school's Music teacher, because they are having a baby. I made these very informative burp cloths that say, "burp". They turned out really cute but sewing around rounded applique letters is maddening.

For our Family Fun Night during the Easter season we had an Easter egg dying night. Now, what we didn't realize when we planned this is that they don't dye hard-boiled eggs down here at Easter. When we started to tell people about the event they were confused as to why we would dye hard-boiled eggs and then just eat them. The typical thing to do in this culture is to hollow out eggs, put confetti in them and paint them. On Easter morning everyone breaks these confetti filled eggs over each other's heads. No wonder they didn't understand why we just dyed the eggs and later ate them, it simply doesn't sound as fun as chasing people around and breaking eggs over other's heads. Despite the confusion the night was a great success and the people who came LOVED dying the eggs.

May went by in a flash. There were many events. Nate and I were able to sneak away to South Padre Island one day. It was a great day to sit at the beach, relax and watch people. It was even a little chilly. We had a nice little date. After that day, things went into hyper-drive. We had the spring musical for the school, a middle school trip to Austin (which Nate attended), 8th grade graduation and planning for VBS.

During May, I did get the opportunity to go visit Missouri because my sister, Victoria, was graduating from the University of Missouri and commissioning as an officer with the Army. It was a fast but great weekend with my family. My sister was a little annoyed with my excessive picture taking of her but I think she got over it. :) Just call me the sisterazzi. Here are some of the pictures...

I love my sissy!

Victoria with her Godfather, Rick 

I think it's funny that it looks like one of us is running for office in this picture. 

Our Aunt Melissa, Uncle Mike and cousin Abby came down for the weekend too!
Steve and Victoria

Victoria taking her oath

With the close of May came the close of my time with the first graders. I will miss them so much! They have made me (and many others on Facebook) laugh so much this year. Here are a few of their gems from the end of the year.

First Grader: (Holding a button) I found a button.
Miss Schultz: Honey, it's yours.
First Grader: (As he checks his shirt) No, it's not.
Miss Schultz: Check your pants.
First Grader: Oh!

First Grader: What's a flying saucer?
Other First Grader: A tortilla?

First Grader: Mrs. Wollenberg, when I put my hands in my pockets, it feels like noodles.

First Grader: (Sweeping the concrete) I hope this isn't my future.

First Grader: Sometimes the vet has to kill the dog.
Teacher: Sometimes
First Grader 1: With a dart
Teacher: No
First Grader 2: With a gun
Teacher: No
First Grader 3: With a pickaxe

Kindergarten Girl: That boy just asked me to marry him!
Me: What did you say?
Kindergarten Girl: No! I'm never getting married so I can live with my mommy and daddy forever! I'm not going to kiss any boys so I don't get germy!

First Grader: Are we supposed to pray to God?
Me: Yes
First Grader: But, we'll distract him.
Me: No we won't it's okay.
First Grader: The whole world prays to him?
Me: Yes
First Grader: Doesn't he get confused?
Me: Nope
Different First Grader: Does he know Japanese?
Me: God knows every language.
Different First Grader from across the room: He even knows French!

First Grade Girl (to Nate Wollenberg) Is Mrs. Wollenberg your mom?
Nate: No, she's my wife.
First Grade Girl: OooLaLa
First Grade Girl: Do you love her as much as ice cream?
Nate: I love her more than ice cream.

Last week was VBS at St. Paul. Nate had worked on VBS for months as the director and it turned out great. We had over 100 children attend VBS. It was a great success for the ministry of St. Paul. I think we all had fun. There are more pictures at the St. Paul Lutheran Church, School and Childcare Facebook page. Here is a link to a video of a look at our VBS: Click Here!

Nate is leading opening on the closing night of VBS in this pic.

Now that VBS is over, things are beginning to slow down. Nate is going to go meet up with his dad in Kansas City for a short vacation. When he gets back we will be taking the youth to the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio. When we return from that trip, I will be going up to St. Louis to spend a couple of weeks with my parents. Things will quickly get busier again after the Youth Gathering because our senior pastor will be leaving on July 7th to be a full time chaplain. Nate will be busier throughout the senior pastor vacancy, but he is eager to see what God has in store for the next chapter at St. Paul.

In the meantime, I am taking golf lessons! I have clubs and Nate wanted me to learn how to play so that I could play with him. The city of McAllen offers a summer golf lesson program at a GREAT deal, so I decided that now was the time. I am terrible right now but having a lot of fun! If nothing else, I got new shoes out of the deal. :)

That is all for now! God is good!

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