From Monday of last week until today we have had 2 funerals. One was for a friend in the congregation's father. He was catholic so we attended the funeral mass. It took both Nate and I back to our Catholic High School days. The second funeral was for a member of the congregation. There have been 4 funerals for members of the congregation and 2 for staff/friends since we have arrived in July. Crazy.
Last Monday, Nate attended the Missouri Pastor's Conference. It was in St. Louis. He bought me back a very stylish(note the sarcasm) KFUO reusable shopping bag. I was kind of excited though because I do like those reusable bags. Way to go green KFUO! I subbed that day which was pretty good and I ended up getting two more days to sub that week which was great. It is nice that the kids are starting to say high to me in the hallways and I am starting to build relationships. :)
On Friday night Nate and I learned the game Bunko. Now, before I share with you this interesting dice game I must tell you about a funny conversation Nate and I had before the Bunko party. We had been asked to bring a snack to the party and because of the funeral and subbing on Friday I was trying to come up with a snack 2 hours before the party. Nate says to me, "I know. Why don't we buy sugar cubes and color black dots on them with sharpie." (He was kidding of course.) At least he was trying to help with ideas. haha. Bunko is a game that you play with dice, in which you have several rounds rolling for a certain number. It involves switching tables througout the game too. It is a very simple game that seems boring when first hearing the game rules but it is a great game to socialize with. We had fun at the Bunko party!
On Saturday we visited the Saxon Lutheran Memorial for the wedding reception of LeAnne (Lorenz) Gaydos. My dad met Nate and I there and we had a great night catching up with the Lorenz family which are old friends of the Cox family. It was very nice to see them and of course to see Walther.
I'm sure Nate and I will visit the Saxon Lutheran Memorial in the future and I will explain and post more pictures then.
Sunday Pastor Kobak and Lisa (his wife) left for a two week trip to Israel. This means that Nate will be on his own for two weeks. He will be preaching this coming Sunday.
While reading the paper this week Nate found this comic. I found this very interesting.
Since I shared some recipes in my last post, I am going to share one again. I love banana bread for two reasons. The first is that it is delicious and the second is that I can use up the bananas that I didn't eat fast enough. I got this recipe from
I have recently fallen in love with new stores because I am doing more shopping. One of my new favorite stores is Sam's. Their prices are incredible. The other store is Hobby Lobby. There are several reasons why I love Hobby Lobby. The first reason is that they are closed on Sundays and their reason for this is posted on their door.

They also play instrumental versions of hymns over the speakers in their stores.
The second reason I love this place is because they provide the tools and fabric I need to use my new sewing machine. I have finished another project but it is going to be a gift and I can't reveal gifts until after Christmas. The third reason I love this place is because of their decor. Nate and I have added to the walls with the great decor I have purchased at Hobby Lobby.
I am working on finishing up my sewing corner in the laundry room. Pictures to come!
Today Nate and I enjoyed lunch at Buckner Brewing Company which is a micro-brewery in Historic Downtown Cape Girardeau. It is a very nice little place and we are glad that we went for lunch. Nothing like lunch over looking the breathtaking Mississippi River. (Note the sarcasm) It really is a nice location.
That is all for now. God is good!
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