Turns out we are going to Cape Girardeau, MO! Looks like our blog is going to be called Nate and Kate in the "Show Me" State for a while now. We are very excited about going to "The Cape". It is going to be a very good fit for us. There is a possible job opportunity for me as well which is a very good thing. Nate will begin on July 1. He will get installed on July 4 and the pastor said he had fireworks around the nation planned for him. We're feeling like kind of a big deal. Haha. We are excited to be in a church that is older than the LCMS. There is a lot of very cool history in the church that we are going to. The church is just south of the birthplace of the LCMS, Perry county. I am looking forward to the small town feel of Cape even though it is a bigger town. I also am excited for the southern "boot-heel" feel of Cape. It will be a great time.

This is a picture of the bridge over the Mississippi in Cape.
In other news, we bought a truck. It is a black Chevy S-10. We said good-bye to the Blazer aka the White Low Rider last weekend. We felt like we were betraying the White Low Rider as we drove it to Ohio to switch it out with the new truck aka Black Magic. If you are wondering why the Blazer was called the White Low Rider and the truck is called Black Magic, it is because my dad likes to give pretty much everything nicknames. It makes things interesting. So now we have a Black Magic Pickup.

That's all for now!
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